Magnetic Nostalgia

Before Star Citizen, there was Wing Commander. More than three decades old, the discs are still readable! No demagnetizers allowed nearby. Got hold of an old motherboard with a floppy controller. Go through the filing cabinet and get the floppy cable. Attach the cable to an artifact of my youth. And voila! No, I’m not… Continue reading Magnetic Nostalgia

The Return

After years of not paying attention to my record player (and the old LP recordings), a sense of nostalgia filled my life as 2018 was coming to a close.  It was not a very good year for me, but I am not going to say that I had nothing to be thankful for.  There are… Continue reading The Return

I Love the Desert (because it makes my hair look good)


It takes out the frizzies!  Or so I am told.  I wouldn’t know, since I don’t seem to have enough hair to have them.  Still, I really do like the desert, in this case the Oregon high desert near Bend.  What can I say about Bend.  A beautiful town.  The mountains, the lakes, the snow… Continue reading I Love the Desert (because it makes my hair look good)