The Huntley Triple Stack

A Roseate Spoonbill managed to find its way to Huntley Meadows. It’s been in the wetlands for a week now. Needless to say, the whole birding community in the area is abuzz. A lot of photographers have taken their cameras and tripods, in all hours of the day, to get a picture (well, hundreds of… Continue reading The Huntley Triple Stack

A Little Stravinsky (figuratively and a little NFSW)

I don’t really get Igor, but there is no question that he is a genius. I can say the same about Rothko. Though in small doses, both can be inspiring. With the weather getting warmer and the clock moving forward, it is that time of year (almost). The shovelers seem to have gotten the message.… Continue reading A Little Stravinsky (figuratively and a little NFSW)

Water World

It seems that way, at Huntley Meadows. At least in wintertime. The warblers are harder to find, the wading birds are much more plentiful. And once in a while, an unexpected guest. The clapper trail has left everyone buzzing about. And today was a good day to get a picture of this skittish bird. And… Continue reading Water World